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Toddington St. George CofE School

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Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.

– Shakuntala Devi

At St George’s School, Maths is a creative, fun and engaging subject, with strong connections to our day-to-day lives. Our Maths curriculum develops children to be fluent mathematicians, able to solve mathematical problems, and able to reason confidently using mathematical language. A mathematician needs to be: 

• Analytical – able to spot similarities and differences 

• Critical – able to identify problems and mistakes

 • A problem solver – resilient enough to approach a problem from different angles 

• Inquisitive – want to know why, and how things work 

• Precise – able to understand precisely what is, what is not, and what is a grey area 

• Efficient – able to select and use appropriate strategies to solve problems quickly.

We use the White Rose Maths Scheme to support the teaching and learning of Maths across the school. The White Rose Maths Scheme uses a mastery approach to maths teaching. This is a research-driven teaching and learning method that meets the goals of the National Curriculum. The scheme is tailored by our teachers to ensure we are meeting the needs of all of our pupils across the school.

 In summary, The White Rose mastery approach allows us to:

  • Puts numbers first: We believe confidence with numbers is the first step to competency in the curriculum as a whole.
  • Puts depth before breadth: We reinforce knowledge again and again.
  • Encourages collaboration: children can progress through the schemes as a group, supporting each other as they learn.
  • Focuses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving: it gives children the skills they need to become competent mathematicians